Privacy Policy

HCS provides the following privacy policy to demonstrate our commitment to privacy. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically as it may be subjected to changes at HCS sole discretion.

HCS collects personal identifiable information (such as name, email address, address, telephone numbers and etc.) about you only when you voluntarily provide such information.

HCS shall not disclose, sell or transfer your personal identifiable information to any parties not affiliated to the HCS without your consent except when required by law.

HCS may use your information for user statistical analysis to provide our editor information that is vital for the development of new features in

HCS reserve the rights to share your information with organizations affiliated to us without your permission.

HCS may use your information to compile and display content that you might be interested in according to your feedback.

HCS may use your information to include you in our mailing list for the latest promotional updates.

HCS also collects non-personal identification information through the use of “Cookie” Technology and/or Internet Protocol (IP) address tracking. A website utilizes “Cookies” to recognized repeat users and facilitates the user’s ongoing access to and use of the site. Non-personal identification information might include the browser used by you, the type of computer, operating systems, internet service providers and other similar information. HCS system automatically gathers information about the areas you visit on and about the links you may select from within to other sites. HCS cannot control the use of cookies by third party displaying data or or on the sites you visit via links from

HCS’s Privacy Policy does not extend to the sites you visit via links from or other third party sites.


By entering the site, you expressly agree that HCS Scientific & Chemical Pte Ltd shall not be liable for any damages, claims, demands or causes of action, direct or indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive resulting from your use of the website or any information you obtain from it or any other interaction with HCS. In doing so, you are waiving voluntarily and unequivocally any liability from HCS.